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Consulting and Policy Engagements

2024 consulting assignment: Expert Reviewer to review large ORD project applications for the Global Development Network & the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan (2023-24).


2024 country expert: Served as a Country Expert providing expertise and advice on the theme of "Politics and Institutions" for the data coding team on the Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Project on India (


2024 Public Service Fellowship: undertaken for the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS), Government of Ireland under Public Service Fellow program.


2023 consulting IIprovided consulting services and advice for a new initiative called OB undertaken by the Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Project on India (


2023 consultancy: served as a consultant providing consulting services on developing professional educational programs and services at the Higher School of Professional Education, Warsaw, Poland.

2023 country expert: Served as a Country Expert providing expertise and advice on the theme of "Politics and Institutions" for the data coding team on the Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Project on India and South Asia (


2023 consulting Iprovided consulting services and advice for a new initiative called OB undertaken by the Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Project on India (


2022 country expert II: Served as a Country Expert providing expertise and advice on the theme of "Education and Quality" for the data coding team of the Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Project on Sri Lanka and India (


2022 country expert I: Served as a Country Expert providing expertise and advice on the theme of "Politics and Institutions" for the data coding team on the Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Project on India and South Asia (


2022 corporate consultancy: Consulting assignment on feasibility study on the impact of Credit Guarantee Scheme of Government of India offered through Credit Guarantee Trust for the Medium and Small Entrepreneurs (CGTMSE) on Working Capital requirements of the Natraj Industries Pvt. Ltd., in India.

2021 consulting assignment: Invited as a Global Expert to review large ORD project applications for the Global Development Network & the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan (2021-22).


2021 country expert: Served as a Country Expert providing expertise and advice on the theme of "Politics and Institutions" for the data coding team on the Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Project on India and South Asia (


2020 consulting assignment: Invited as a Global Expert to review large ORD project applications for the Global Development Network & the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan (2020-21).


2020 corporate consultancy: Consulting assignment on the impact of new labor regulations on capital intensive manufacturing industries for the Natraj Industries Pvt. Ltd., in India.


2019 Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand:  Expert-group member at the behest of Prof. Saten Kumar, Head of School, School of Economics, on curriculum restructuring of Economics under-graduate and graduate programs.


2019: Organized Second edition of the IPE, IR Dublin Workshop 2019 at School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe), UCD, Dublin, Ireland.

2018 Thinktank consultancy: Krishna Vadlamannati and Indra de Soysa (2018) 'Welfare Chauvinism' versus 'Race to the Bottom': Immigration and Far-Right Populism in Industrial Democracies, 1990-2014, In James Gwartney, Robert Lawson, and Joshua Hall, Economic Freedom of the World: 2016 Annual Report, Fraser Institute: Canada


2018 corporate consultancy: Political Risk analysis for the Flamingo Tiles Private Limited (Indian FDI project), Nairobi, Kenya.

2018: Organized First edition of the IPE, IR Dublin Workshop 2018 at School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe), UCD, Dublin, Ireland.


2016 (30th January): Invited speaker and panel discussant for the townhall discussion on “Refugee Crisis in Europe” organised by the Samfundet of Trondheim, Norway.

2016 corporate consultancy: Expert-advisor on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the Indian Textile firm operating in Special Economic Zone in Nairobi, Kenya.

2014 Thinktank consultancy: Krishna Vadlamannati and Indra de Soysa (2014) Free Markets and Civil Peace: Some Theory and Empirical Evidence, In James Gwartney, Robert Lawson, and Joshua Hall, Economic Freedom of the World: 2013 Annual Report Fraser Institute: Canada

2012 (29th November): Invited speaker on “Fighting Corruption or Fighting Elections? The Politics of Fighting Corruption in India, A Subnational Study, 1988-2009”, organized by South Asia Institute (SAI), University of Heidelberg, Germany.


2013 (20th October): Invited speaker and expert-panelist on roundtable, “What do we know about the Maoist Armed Rebellion in India”, for the conference: “Neoliberal Development and Indian Democracy:  The Politics of Rights, Rebellions and Reforms” organised by Department of Political Science, Stockholm University, Sweden.


2011 Research consultancy: Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati and Indra de Soysa, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Commissioned Project: Review of Literature on Origins and Motivations behind Maoists Armed Insurgency Movement in India, Funded by Norwegian University of Science and Technology (in association with Research Council of Norway), Norway.


2011 (3rd November): Invited speaker on “Resistance to Globalization? Motivation and Organization of Maoist Violence in India”, organized by Institute of Asian Studies, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg, Germany.


2011 (22nd October): Invited speaker on “Maoist Conflict and Developmental Challenges Confronting India”, organized by ZEF (Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung – Center for Development Research), University of Bonn, Germany.


2011 (3rd & 4th October): Expert-panelist on roundtable on “Approaching Research on Maoist Conflict in India from an Interdisciplinary Interest”, India 2011 research conference, organized by Department of Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.


2011 (15th July): Invited speaker and expert-panelist on roundtable, “Hearts and Mines: A District Level Empirical Analysis of the Maoist Conflict in India”, organized by South Asia Institute (SAI), University of Heidelberg, Germany.


2009 corporate consultancy (February - April): Consulting for CL Infotech Private Limited, Bangalore, India on Content Analysis of Banking sector in India.


2005 corporate consultancy (June): Expert-advisor for Grameen Phone Limited, Bangladesh for providing research information on Indian Cellular Industry.


2009 (December): Radio expert-interview, "Why Winning War in Afghanistan is Important for the West?" in the "Over to You" program of BBC


2007-2009: Freelance Writer for Asia Economic Institute, Los Angeles, USA.




I have refereed up to 75 research manuscripts in more than 55 prominent international peer-reviewed journals:


American Political Science Review, Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Business & Politics, Business & Society, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Defense and Peace Economics, Democracy and Security, Economic Modelling, Economics & Politics, Economic Change & Restructuring, Energies, Energy Policy, Environment and Resource Economics, Environment and Planning A, European Journal of Political Economy, European Journal of Political Research, European Journal of International Relations, International Studies Quarterly, International Interactions, International Organization, International Area Studies Review, International Political Science Review, International Tax and Public Finance, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Journal of Income Distribution, Journal of International Development, Kyklos, Oxford Development Studies, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Political Research Quarterly, Political Studies Review, Public Choice, Review of International Organizations, Review of Development Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Southern Economic Journal, South African Journal of Economics, South Asian Economic Journal, Sustainability, The Economics of Transition, Third World Quarterly, Transition Economics, World Economy, World Development.

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