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Peer Reviewed Journals:

Krishna Vadlamannati, Bimal Adhikari, Jeff King (2024, forthcoming) Oil Price Volatility and Fuel Subsidies: The Cost of Oil Dependency The Extractive Industries & Society.


Krishna Vadlamannati, Vinícius Rodrigues Vieira and Terence Song (2024) Calling the Shots through Health Diplomacy: China’s World-Wide Distribution of Anti-Covid Vaccines and the International Order International Interactions​ 50(1), 1-20.

Samuel Brazys, Krishna Vadlamannati and Indra de Soysa (2023) Blessing or Curse? Assessing the Local Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on Political Conflict in Africa Journal of Peace Research.

Krishna Vadlamannati, Yuanxin Li, Samuel Brazys and Alex Dukalskis (2023) Building Bridges or Breaking Bonds? The Belt and Road Initiative and Foreign Aid Competition Foreign Policy Analysis 19(3), 


Bimal Adhikari Jeff King and Krishna Vadlamannati (2023) When Do Natural Resource Wealthy Countries Adopt Fiscal Rules? An Empirical Analysis The Extractive Industries & Society 14,

Krishna Vadlamannati and Yoo Sun Jung (2023The Political Economy of Vaccine Distribution and China's Belt and Road Initiative: An Empirical Analysis Business & Politics 25, 67-88.


Krishna Vadlamannati and Vinícius Rodrigues Vieira (2023) The Best Defense is a Good Offense: U.S. Dispositional Balancing against China’s Financial Statecraft The Chinese Journal of International Politics 16(1), 1-30.

Arusha Cooray, Indra de Soysa and Krishna Vadlamannati (2002) Can Bigger Health Budgets Cushion Pandemics? An Empirical Test of COVID-19 Deaths across the World Journal of Public Policy 43(1), 33-58.


Krishna Vadlamannati and Samuel Brazys (2022) Does Cultural diversity hinder the Implementation of IMF-Supported Programs? An Empirical Investigation Review of International Organizations 18, 87-116.

Indra de Soysa and Krishna Vadlamannati (2022) Does Free-Market Capitalism Inhibit Income Equality and Equitable Access to Opportunity? An Empirical Test, 1990-2016 International Political Science Review 44(4), 471-491.

Brazys Sam, Cooray Arusha, Kolås Åshild and Krishna Vadlamannati (2021) Editorial: New conversations in development studies Journal of International Development 33(6), 947-952

Krishna Vadlamannati, Arusha Cooray and Indra de Soysa (2021) Health System Equity, Egalitarian Democracy and COVID-19 Outcomes: An Empirical Analysis Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 49(1), 104-113.

Song T., Sam Brazys and Krishna Vadlamannati (2021) Which Wheel Gets the Grease? Constituent Agency and Sub-national World Bank Aid AllocationJournal of Development Studies. 57(3), 519-533.

Indra de Soysa and Krishna Vadlamannati (2020) Economic Openness, Health Equity and Health Openness – An Empirical Analysis, 1960-2015 Global Public Health 16(12), 1904-1921.

Nicolas Juarez, Henrik Urdal and Krishna Vadlamannati (2020) The significance of age structure, education, and youth unemployment for explaining subnational variation in violent youth crime, Conflict Management and Peace Science 39(1), 49-73.

Krishna Vadlamannati, and Indra de Soysa (2020) Oil Price Volatility and Political Unrest: Prudence and Protest in Producer and Consumer Societies, 1980-2013, Energy Policy 145, 111719.


Krishna Vadlamannati, Nicole Janz, and Indra de Soysa (2020) U.S. Multinationals and Human Rights: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of Extractive Versus Nonextractive Sectors, Business & Society 60(8), 2136-2174.


Krishna Vadlamannati and Sam Brazys (2020) Aid curse with Chinese characteristics? Chinese development flows and economic reforms, Public Choice  (


Krishna Vadlamannati (2020) Can IMF Program Design Resurrect Investor Sentiment? An Empirical Investigation, Business and Politics. 22(2), 339-382.


Krishna Vadlamannati (2020) Welfare Chauvinism? Refugee Flows and Support for Populist-Right Parties in Industrial Democracies, 1990-2014, Social Science Quarterly 101(4), 1600-1626.


Kai Gehring, Florian Kauffeldt, and Krishna Vadlamannati (2019) Crime, Incentives and Political Effort: A Model and Empirical Application for India, European Journal of Political Economy 59, 1-20.

Nishith Prakash and Krishna Vadlamannati (2019) Girls for Sale? Preference for Son and Illegal Trafficking of Girls in India: A Subnational Study, Feminist Economics. 25(4), 267-308.

Krishna Vadlamannati, Arusha Cooray and Samuel Brayzs (2018) Nothing to Hide: Commitment to, Compliance with, and Impact of the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS), Economics & Politics, 30(1), 55-77.

Krishna Vadlamannati, Nicole Janz and Øyvind Isachsen Berntsen (2018) Human Rights Shaming and FDI: Effects of the UN Human Rights Commission and Media, World Development, 104, 222-237.

Krishna Vadlamannati and Indra de Soysa (2017) Do Rulers of Natural Resource Wealth Welcome Transparency? An Empirical Analysis of Institutional Change, 1980-2012, International Studies Quarterly, 20(2), 97-121.


Krishna Vadlamannati and Indra de Soysa (2017) Does Cultural Diversity Impede Economic Policy Reform? An Empirical Analysis, 1980–2010, Social Science Research, 62(1), 272-290.


Krishna Vadlamannati and Arusha Cooray (2016) Does Freedom of Information Laws Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency? An Empirical Investigation, Oxford Economic Papers, 68(4), 968-993.

Diego Andres Hernandez and Krishna Vadlamannati (2016) Politics of Religious Motivated Lending: Evidence from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Journal of Comparative Economics, 21, 1-20


Krishna Vadlamannati and Arusha Cooray (2016) Transparency Pays: Evaluating the Effects of Freedom of Information Laws on Government Corruption, Journal of Development Studies, 53(1), 116-137.

Krishna Vadlamannati and Artur Tamazian (2016) Are Left-wing Governments Really Pro-Labor? An Empirical Investigation for Latin America, Kyklos, 70(1), 129-160.

Krishna Vadlamannati (2015) Fighting Corruption or Elections? The Politics of Anti-corruption Policies in India: A Subnational Study, Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(4), 1035-1052.


Krishna Vadlamannati (2015) Rewards of (Dis)integration: Economic, Social, and Political Globalization and Labor Rights in Developing Countries, 1985–2002, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 68(1), 1-25.


Krishna Vadlamannati, Arusha Cooray and Artur Tamazian (2014) What Drives FDI Policy Liberalization: An Empirical Investigation, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 49, 179-189.

Krishna Vadlamannati, Gina Maria G Østmoe and Indra de Soysa (2014) Do IMF Programs Disrupt Ethnic Peace? An Empirical Analysis, 1985-2006, Journal of Peace Research, 51(6), 711-725.

Ronald B. Davies and Krishna Vadlamannati (2013) A Race to the Bottom in Labour Standards? An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Development Economics, 103, 1-14.

Andreas Fuchs and Krishna Vadlamannati (2013) The Needy Donor: An Empirical Analysis of India’s Aid Motives, World Development, 44, 110-128.


Axel Dreher, Peter Nunnenkamp and Krishna Vadlamannati (2013) The Role of Country-of-origin Characteristics for Foreign Direct Investment and Technical Cooperation in Post-reform India, World Development, 44, 88-109.


Trude Mariane Midtgård, Krishna Vadlamannati and Indra de Soysa (2013) Jumping the Gun? A Comment on Hartzell, Hoddie and Bauer on Structural Adjustment and Civil War, Review of International Organizations, 9(1) 107-124.

Seo-Young Cho and Krishna Vadlamannati (2012) Compliance for Big Brothers – An Empirical Analysis on the Impact of Anti-Trafficking Protocol, European Journal of Political Economy, 28, 249-265.

Indra de Soysa and Krishna Vadlamannati (2012) Do Pro-Market Economic Reforms Drive Human Rights Violations – An Empirical Assessment, Public Choice, 150, 1-25.

Krishna Vadlamannati (2012) Impact of FDI on Political Risk Revisited – An Aggregated Firm-Level Analysis, International Interactions, 38(1), 111-139.

Hoelscher, Kristian, Jason Miklian and Krishna Vadlamannati (2012) Hearts and Mines: A district-level analysis of the Maoist conflict in India, International Area Studies Review, 15(2), 141–160.

Peter Nunnenkamp, Maximilano Sosa Andrés, Krishna Vadlamannati, Andreas Waldkirch (2012) What Drives India’s Outward FDI? South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance, 1(2), 245–279.

Krishna Vadlamannati (2011) Why Indian Men Rebel? Explaining Armed Rebellion in North-Eastern States of India, 1970–2009, Journal of Peace Research, 48(5), 605-619.

Indra de Soysa and Krishna Vadlamannati (2011) Does Being Bound Together Suffocate or Liberate? Testing the Effects of Economic, Social and Political Globalization and Human Rights, 1981-2005, Kyklos, 64(1), 20–53.

Krishna Vadlamannati and Bill Rao (2011) Globalization and Growth in Low-Income African Countries with Extreme Bounds Analysis, Economic Modeling, 28(3), 795–805.


Krishna Vadlamannati and Shakya L. Pathmlal (2010) Exploring the relationship between military spending and human rights performance in South Asia, International Journal of Human Rights, 14(2), 147–165.

Krishna Vadlamannati and Bill Rao (2010) The Level and Growth Effects of Human Capital in India, Applied Economics Letters, 18(1), 59–62.

Bill Rao, Artur Tamazian and Krishna Vadlamannati (2009) Growth Effects of a Comprehensive measure of Globalization with Country Specific Time Series Data, Applied Economics, 42(1), 1–18.

Krishna Vadlamannati, Artur Tamazian and L.R. Irala (2009) FDI and Volatility in FDI in South East Asia, Journal of Asia Pacific Economy, 14(3), 246–261.


Artur Tamazian, Krishna Vadlamannati and Juan Piñeiro Chousa (2009) Does higher economic and financial development lead to environmental degradation: Evidence from BRIC countries, Energy Policy, 37(1), 246-253.


Krishna Vadlamannati and Artur Tamazian (2009) Growth Effects of FDI: The Role of Institutional Constraints and Policy Reforms, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 12(4), 299–322.


Krishna Vadlamannati (2009) Indian Economic Reforms and Foreign Direct Investment How Much Difference Do They Make to Neighbors? South Asian Economic Journal, 10(1), 31–59.

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